Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Monday, September 17, 2012

Freeze Corn!

Hurry!  Only a couple more weeks until the sweet corn is gone!  So easy to freeze!  Just do it!!  You'll be glad you did!
No fancy "freezing recipe" here, simply cut it off the cobs. 

Lay it on a tray, and pop it into the freezer....
Portion into baggies or freezer-safe containers and you've got corn, baby!




  1. Replies
    1. It depends.... if you do not blanch it first there are enzymes that go to work converting the sugar in corn into starch making it less sweet when you go to eat it, so if you think your corn will be in the freezer for a number of months then you should probably blanch it. If the corn I buy is a particularly sweet variety then I don't bother to blanch it first but if it's a less sweet type or if it sits at home for a couple of days before I go to freeze it then I do blanch it first....my grandmother used to add sugar to the cook water for freezing corn but I have never personally done this. Try it both ways to see what I mean - the "un-blanched" corn will be less sweet but (in my opinion) still very good. :)
