Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yogurt Tubey-Things...

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been challenging myself to replace many of the store-bought lunch box goodies with treats that I can make at home and therefore control what my precious young'uns are eating.   My boys love frozen yogurt so in place of buying the pre-packed ones I discovered these amazing "Ice pop Makers" by Norpro.  (You can find them on Amazon)  We filled them this summer with yogurt, pureed summer fruits and even iced tea!  They are great for using up the last amount of smoothie in the bottom of my handy dandy Vitamix (providing everyone is smoothied-out and there is still some left, of course).  My oldest loves when I mix some of my home-made jam into plain or vanilla yogurt so this is an ideal way he can have this treat at school.  My baby (who is 6 and is not really a baby but I will likely call him my baby until he is 96 and maybe even after) is trickier to please - I find that once you freeze yogurt or smoothie or juice it tastes less sweet so I sometimes have to add a little honey to whatever I'm making for him so it appeals to his sweet tooth and I don't find a half eaten mess laying limply on the counter.  Not that he would ever forget to place the finished "tube" into the sink....no, no, no... my house is always immaculate and well organized....ahem.  

Empty tube.  Pretty colour.
That's some mighty fine yogurt you got there!
Colourful and fun and thankfully my boy's favourite colours are not the ones the other likes...that's the stuff wars are made from.
Now it's frozen, and looks kind of lonely......
I suppose in the name of photography I should open this one and "test it out".....YUM!


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