Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Monday, July 9, 2012

Freezing Whole Raspberries

In an earlier post I referred to my family as a bunch of "smoothie drinkers".  It just sounds so naughty, like we have a problem or something.  I don't know - maybe we do.  Problem or not, our smoothie hang up has resulted in a freezer full of fruit.  Our recent trip to Heeman's Greenhouses and Strawberry Farm in London, ON yielded a ton of fresh raspberries so what's a girl to do but freeze 'em!

Frozen berries.  Awesome!

Frozen berries are not only great for smoothies but to use in desserts, add as a topping to hot oatmeal or cereal, for snacking and making sauces for pancakes or icecream.  Also, as store bought frozen fruit can be expensive, picking and prepping your own is a more economical way to do it (and who wants to be known as un-economical, really?).  Also, I try to buy from the farmers in our area as much as I can.

Simply give the berries a gentle rinse and lay out to dry on a tea towel or some paper towels.  I actually use a blow dryer on a low setting to dry 'em up quick because a) I don't have time to wait, b) I am an impatient person, c) the longer they sit on the counter, the quicker they mysteriously disappear and my boys and I somehow no longer have room for dinner, or d) all of the above.
Next, place the berries, in a single layer on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, cover with plastic wrap, and pop into the freezer.  This will ensure your berries will be individually frozen and not in one big clump.  Once frozen, put them into freezer bags or a freezer safe container that seals tightly.  Voila!  You have beautiful berries ready and waiting to be snacked upon or thrown at your favourite family member when they are walking by unexpectedly and you are in one of those moods.  Just don't aim for the face. 

This is where I begin to feel like an accomplished woman!  Ha!

Signing off,


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