Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Trip to Kusterman's Blueberry Farm

It's blueberry season and I am so thrilled.  These little gems are a staple in our house and although I picked until my fingers were purple and my back ached for a week, our freezer stores were completely depleted by about mid-November last year.  Looks like this year I will have to kick it up a notch, enlist some help from my dear, sweet husband and my boys in order to properly stock-pile my freezer with local berries.  I'm sure they will be ecstatic.

Our first visit to a near by U-pick farm was to Kusterman's, located near Mt Brydges (about 15 min West of London) and it was great.  I only had the boys with me and they were a good deal of help until the call of the zip-line was just too strong.  I did everything in my power to keep them focused on our task but alas, the hay bale mountain and petting zoo won out.
This is WAY more fun than picking blueberries!

Tarzan yell!  (You know the one)

"Mommy, can we put one of these up at home?"......they asked no less than 8 times

OK.  It was hard for even me to resist this little guy.
However, we did manage a beautiful start on our picking.

So lovely.  So beautiful.  I am at one with the blueberries.  In fact, that's me there.  You know - the crinkly-scrunched up, wrinkly one right there on the right.
The moral is to throw on some non-white clothing, toss your family into the car and go "picking".  It's good for the soul, ya know!




  1. great blog from proud grandma

  2. I've read so many articles that discuss the nutritional benefit of blueberrie! Can't wait to see what delicious recipes you cook up!!
