Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Friday, July 20, 2012

Masonville Farmers' Market and Basic Vegetable Soup

I love my Friday mornings!  They start off the same as any other day of the week...me fumbling my way to the kitchen for a delicious cup of espresso followed by good morning hugs and kisses from my family but then, it's off to the Farmers' Market at Masonville Mall in London.

I love Farmers' Markets.  It is so great to get out and buy fresh produce and locally raised and butchered meats but also to actually meet and speak to the farmers, themselves.  They are really good about offering up new recipes or preparation ideas and for introducing heirloom varieties of vegetables and fruits that we don't often see in grocery stores.

Today, the kids and I got to pick out a few items and a yummy treat (aka, bribery for good behaviour).  We did, sadly, miss out on the bacon we usually buy from BaconAcres as they were already sold out when we arrived.  Here's what we did get:  zucchini, sweet corn, field cucumbers, sugar beets, purple carrots, muskmelon, a yellow-fleshed watermelon, and for a treat - bacon buns and soft pretzels! Yum!!

To me, this is like art.  The colours and the textures are so beautiful that I get totally caught up in the richness of it.....apparently I need to get out more.

And as much as I like to "look" at it all.....

This is my favourite way to enjoy it!

Basic Soup Recipe

  • 1/2 large Onion, chopped
  • 3-4 carrots, chopped
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped
  • 6 cups Chicken, Beef, or Vegetable stock
  • black pepper
  1. Cook in a large pot for about 15 min
  2. Add in any or all of the following and continue to cook for an additional 10-15 min:
  • sliced zucchini
  • diced potato
  • diced tomato
  • kidney beans
  • barley
  • rice
  • egg noodles
  • diced, cooked chicken
  • mini-meatballs, cooked
  • peas
  • shredded or diced beets
  • fresh dill
  • fresh parsley
  • corn
  • shredded cabbage
This soup is so easy and quick to prepare and as long as you have the basics on hand then you can really finish it with any left-overs or pantry items you already have.  Top it with some good croutons, a dollop of sour cream or plain yogurt or just some nice fresh ground pepper or shaved Parmesan.  Serve with crusty bread and a smile and your tummy will thank you!  Good luck and happy eating!!



  1. Well Jenn - thanks to you I packed up my brewd of boys & Dennis' parents and we zoomed into London to Masonville this morning! What a haul we got!! I didn't even know that market was there! Thanks, lady!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Always a great crowd there!
