Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tubing On Newfound Lake in NH

I have a cousin.  His name is Bob.

Bob was totally awesome when we were growing up. He would play barbies with my sister and me if we wanted, and when we would stay the night at my Aunt and Uncle's we would spy on him getting ready to go out on dates and watch him slick his eyebrows into place and wink at himself in the mirror. 

Fast forward to today.  Bob met and married a beautiful, fun-loving woman who is just as wonderful as he and they have 3 gorgeous children together and are living in a small New England town just outside of Boston.  AND...they also have a lake house!!

and a boat!!

and we got to go on it!
Does this thing go any faster?

Ha!  There it is!

We also went tubing, well - let me clarify, my children went tubing while I held the handles on the boat with white knuckles and prayed my babies wouldn't fly off and turn into water pancakes.  OK.  Actually I took pictures and prayed they wouldn't fly off and turn into water pancakes.

Did you know that Newfound Lake in New Hampshire is said to be one of the cleanest in the world?  Also, I was informed that it is fed by 8 springs and reaches a depth of 182 ft!!  Note the crystal blue water and the big smiles on the kids.  I will admit to jumping in somewhere in the middle and found that despite the depth, the water was warm.

But not before we stopped at an organic farm stand - I have no idea what that has to do with anything, but we did.  And I felt good about it.  It was organic, did I mention?

But back to tubing...

Sorry it's a bit blurry, this is where I moved my camera ever so much in order to call out "HANG ON!".  I'm such a mom.
At this point in our vacation, there is one day left until my husband will be flying in from Toronto to meet us...so far he's missed out on some real fun.  Of course I will not show him the pictures to rub it in....wink, wink!

We had a great visit!  We loved the lake and the lake house, and my cousin and his super sweet family...and tubing, oh, the tubing!


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