Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Raspberry Jam

Hello Gorgeous!

My Berries!  
It is raspberry season again and I am soooooo happy!!  (I apparently don't get out much).  To make hay when the sun shines is an understatement around here.  This is the time of year I do my best to get my hands on as much fresh, local produce as possible .  This year, because Miller Berry Farms were sold out of berries early, squirrely the day I planned to go, we decided to drive out to Heeman's Greenhouses and Strawberry Farm on Nissouri Rd, just behind the Airport in London, ON.  Suffice it to say, we had raspberry success and walked out with - ahem - $80 in beautiful berries.  (My husband almost fell off the chair he wasn't sitting on when the girl rung us out).

The first box!  There were more......
Obviously I now had to busy myself in the kitchen beginning to stockpile our freezer for the Fall and Winter to come.  My husband's favourite sandwich to take to work is still the classic PB & J and the boy's  love Jam to sweeten and flavour Plain or Vanilla Yogurt so I like to make up a bunch of freezer jams to have on hand.  Also, we are a family of smoothie drinkers (doesn't it sound scandalous when I say it that way) so freezing whole berries is a must in these here parts.  I find frozen fruit to be expensive to buy so when we can pick or buy direct from the farm and freeze our own, it is the most cost efficient way to do it.  This is also a great family activity that teaches the boys where our food comes from and supports our local farmers, keeping our dollars in the community.  It's pretty much a win, win!

Aren't they gorgeous?

Ooh Mama!

It's like Potion's Class at Hogwarts.....(I'm a nerd, I know)


Freezer Jam Recipe (so easy)

  • 1 packet No Cook Freezer Jam Pectin (I use the Bernardin brand)
  • 1.5 cups Sugar
  • 4 cups Crushed fruit (I only crush a teeny bit because the raspberries tend to break up a lot while stirring and I like the texture of a few whole berries in my jam)
  1. Measure Sugar into bowl and stir in the packet of Pectin
  2. Crush fruit, and add 4 cups to dry mixture.  Stir 3 minutes
  3. Ladle into clean jars leaving 1/2 " head space, apply lids and let stand until thickened (about 30 min)
  4. Serve immediately, Refrigerate up to 3 weeks, or Freeze for longer storage
*again, these are directions for the brand of Pectin I used, please follow the directions on whichever brand you happen to have.

So that's it!  We now have a nice treat and a gentle reminder of the summer waiting patiently in our freezer.  I love that!



  1. My 5 year old daughter loves raspberries! In fact, it is the only fruit we don't have to bribe her to eat! Can't wait to try this recipe! Looks delicious!!

  2. Looks scrumptious, I'm trying it!

    Thanks Jen

