Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dinner Dilemma, Rice recipe and Kitchen Sink Salad

Looks pretty and is super easy!

From time to time I look in the mirror and come face to face with old Mother Hubbard...I suppose that's better than the woman who lives in the shoe.  I feel sorry for her.  Anyway,  the day sweeps by and before I realize it, it's dinner time and I didn't make it out to replenish my pantry and find myself having to get creative with the little bits of this and that I have in the refrigerator and cupboard.  Thankfully, I seem to always have some amount of rice kicking around on the back shelf and fortunately rice is a winner with everyone here.

Last night was one such night.  So to the fridge.  OK.  I found a carrot and some butter.  (Don't get the idea that that was ALL I had in my fridge....but for dinner type foods it seemed like slim pic kin's)  Also, there were 2 carrots but I ate one while I stood with the refrigerator door open for 5 minutes trying to figure out the menu.  I think I need to get into meal planning.  I expect it would lower my electricity bills.  So now I had a lone carrot that was begging to be eaten and a half a head of iceberg lettuce.  I can work with this.  Now over to the cupboard for some rice and the pantry shelf for some onions.  The last two peaches in my fruit basket, and the last of the homemade balsamic salad dressing I made earlier in the week....this is when the little light bulb over my head turns on and I am no longer stressed out about what we will have for dinner and I can pretend that I knew what was going on all along.  The refrigerator in the garage had two pork tenderloins in it so I am now going to not only cook today's supper but cook the meat for tomorrow as well.  I am so organized.  Why did I ever doubt myself in the first place, really?

Dice some onions and explain to your children that you have "happy tears"...when an onion is involved I cry every time.  1.  because it's an onion and it just gets into my eyes and 2.  I know whatever I am cooking will be all the better because of it.
Peel and dice your carrot. 
Get those onions cooking in the butter over medium heat.  Inhale deeply as the aroma of the onions starts to fill your kitchen.  Watch your children run away holding their noses while the aroma of onion starts to fill your kitchen.  Laugh and remember when you did the same thing.
Add the rice and stir to coat with butter.
Do the same with the carrot.
Add your liquid and bring to a simmer.  Cover, reduce heat and continue to cook, baby!
Season with some salt and pepper, fluff with a fork and throw anything green on top so you look all fancy-like.  This was some thyme.  
Simple Rice with Carrot and Onion
  • 1 cup organic Brown Rice
  • 2.5 cups Water or Broth (chicken, beef or vegetable are all very good)
  • 1/2 medium Onion, diced
  • 1 large Carrot, diced
  • Salt and freshly ground Black Pepper
  • 2 Tbsp Butter
  1. In a medium sauce pan, put butter over medium heat and allow to melt
  2. Add in onion and cook until onion is translucent in colour and soft
  3. Add rice and carrot and stir until evenly coated with butter
  4. Add water or broth, stir, and bring to a simmer
  5. Cover pan, reduce temperature to low and cook for approx 35 to 40 minutes until water is absorbed and rice is tender
  6. Remove pan from heat and let rest for 5 min
  7. Fluff rice with fork
  8. Season with salt* and pepper and serve
*Taste your rice before you season with salt.  If you've used a broth that's already been salted than you probably won't need to add more. 

Now for the "kitchen sink" salad.  I really love salads but usually the best are the ones that I make just by using up my left-over fruits and vegetables.  

Two peaches and half a head of iceberg lettuce.

You are getting very sleepy.........
Red Onion.
I like the saltiness of the feta with the sweetness of the peaches and the sharpness of the onion.  How about you?
Last of the walnuts from the Granola I made earlier...
A little dressing (I had homemade balsamic left over in the fridge), and now I am super happy because I've used up all my bits of food and have a good reason to wash my vegetable crisper.  My family thought this was a great salad, by the way.
So with my dinner dilemma solved, I ended up with a happy, full-tummied family.  The End.
Grilled Pork Tenderloin..yummy treat!

Want some?  Sorry, none left!  :)


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