Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Homemade Granola

We seem to go through a lot of cereal in our home.  It's been breakfast, lunch, snack, and even dinner on occasion (think my version of "fast-food").  For years I have been stocking my pantry with two kinds of cereal.  The kid kind and the grown up kind.  Now, my children and visiting family members remind me constantly that my idea of the "kid kind" and what the TV says are "kid kinds" are two different things but that's OK.  I am not so down with the artificial colours, flavours, etc and so I am willing to fight the good fight.  But what never occurred to me was to serve up some good ole' granola to my kids.  Ryan and I eat it all the time.  The kids will sprinkle a little over yogurt and ice cream once in a while, but not in place of the organic "O's" or "Corn Spheres" that they usually get.  Funny how sometimes as parents we dismiss our children's potential tastebuds and end up wondering why they are so reluctant to try "grown up" foods once we become resentful of having to constantly prepare separate meals.  So after the brilliance of this new idea settled into my brain, I decided to give it a whirl...and guess what....50% of my children (I have 2) loved it!  "Mom, why didn't you let me try this before?"  That's NOT music to a mom's ears, especially a mom who thinks she's done a pretty good job of exposing her little ones to a variety of healthy, tasty treats.  As for my little "fuss-pot" eater, for now he still prefers the "boxed" kind.  So fine.  We have time to work on him yet.

Granola is really simple to make and tastes so good.  It's filling and there are as many great ingredient combinations as there are people who love the stuff.  Enjoy it with milk, over yogurt or ice-cream, as a topping to sliced fruit or simply by the hand full.  Give a it try once and you'll be hooked forever more.

"I'm so lonely..."
Drum roll.....I mean...Rolled Oats!
Wheat Bran...
Flax Fall (kind of like a water fall but less water, more flax)
Chop 'em if you got 'em.

...now add zome zea zalt!  
Pour your honey in a saucepan!  (The edible kind, not your spouse)
Spices and Vanilla!  
Stir and bring to a simmer...
Pour over your dry ingredients...they have been waiting their whole life for this moment.
Pop in the oven for about 40 minutes....if I could take a picture of what my house smells like here, you would make this TODAY!
Cool until room temperature.
Stir in the raisins.  You're done!
Please note that although I do not particularly like this photograph, I thought it was interesting enough to share.  It appears that a mummy is rising from my cappuccino right there at my breakfast table!  Do you see his little out-stretched arms?  Creepy.
Honey Granola

  • 1/2 cup Honey
  • 1/2 cup Vegetable Oil (I use Peanut Oil for my granola unless it is intended to go to our nut-free school as a snack, then I substitute another vegetable oil in it's place)
  • 2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Ginger
  • 1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 4 cups of Organic Rolled Oats
  • 1/2 cup Wheat Bran
  • 1/2 cup Ground Flax
  • 1/2 cup Slivered or Sliced Almonds
  • 1/2 cup Unsalted Raw Sunflower Seeds
  • 1/2 cup Chopped Walnuts
  • 1/2 tsp Sea Salt
  • 1 cup of Organic Raisins
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F
  2. Combine honey, oil, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla in a small saucepan, bring to a simmer over medium heat
  3. Mix oats, wheat bran, flax, almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts and salt together in a large bowl
  4. Pour hot honey mixture over the dry ingredients and stir well to evenly coat
  5. Spread granola mixture onto a rimmed baking sheet in a single layer (you may have to use two sheets depending on the size you have)
  6. Bake for approx 35 - 40 min, stirring often 
  7. Remove from oven when golden brown in colour
  8. Let cool completely until room temperature
  9. Stir in raisins
  10. Store in an air tight container for up to a week
  11. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!



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