Ordinary life is extraordinary...you just have to know what you are looking for

Thursday, August 9, 2012

We were supposed to do this....but we did that.

The boys had been after us to go hunting "tad poles" for exactly 8.352 days.  And because we are such accommodating and wonderful parents...ahem...we agreed that this would be a wonderful learning experience and Sunday would be the day.  We promised.  

Minutes after we loaded the car and set out on our science-journey extraordinaire, it began to rain.  Heavily.  
So, instead of this....

We played this...
Instead of making our way in here...
We made that...
In lieu of finding one of these...
We found this popular game...
And although my boys put on their very bravest smiles and pretended to be having as much fun as mommy and daddy (in the clean, dry, mosquito-free house), their little hearts and minds were dreaming of much bigger things...

I still think this is cuter.  Sigh.  Boys.
Clearly, Monday was a sunny day and the disappointment from the day before was long forgotten....



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